Selasa, 08 November 2011

10 widgets to enhance your blog

Blog is like a woman. The more beautiful the woman, the more demand. So also with the blog. The more beautiful appearance, the more visitors feel at home in her blog. Indeed necessary in order to beautify blog blog looks neat.That way, visitors who stopped nor will feel at home and frequently visit our blog again. Many ways to enhance your blog, such as choosing the right templates and color. Widgetpun also needed to make our blog look more beautiful. Well, here are 10 options to enhance your blog widgets. 
1. Search BoxThis widget is very useful to facilitate visitors find the content of your blog. This widget provided by blogger. If you are in the top right sidebar of this blog is google adsense search box (overtly) hehehe. 
2. Alexa widgetAlexa widget is to notify the status of alexa rank blog. His choice of widgets if not wrong there are 3 kinds. This widget can be obtained from its own alexa site. 
3. Page Rank WidgetIt serves to determine the page rank blog. This widget can be obtained from,, and other sites. Many really are providing these widgets. 
4. Feedburner CountThis widget is to determine the number of buddies who subscribe to our blog. An example is in the right sidebar of this blog. This widget can be obtained from 
5. Web / Blog CounterThis widget is to count the number of visitors to our blog. There are so many providers of web widgets / blog counter. Please look for yourself on google. But, one of the most famous is 
6. Flag CounterFlag counter has the same function as the counter blog. But the difference, this counter also displays the flag of the country where the visitor comes to the flag symbol. For example, can be seen at the bottom of this blog. Just click the widget if it wanted. Do not worry, this is not advertising. You see, I forgot the address (hehe). 
7. Mybloglog Recent ReadersWidget of this show mybloglog avatars of the visitors your blog. This widget is quite popular but I do not install this widget because it takes place (space) and add weight loading the blog page blog. 
8. Shoutbox / Guestbox / GuestbookThis widget like the comment box. This is more easily used to make lasting friendships fellow bloggers because this widget is usually used when stopping to say hello on the blog. Much of this guestbook widget providers like shoutmix, oggix, etc.. 
9. Recent PostThis widget function to display the latest articles. For example, there are in the left sidebar of this blog. To get the widget it, try searching on search engines aja yah yes. Many really are nyediain. 
10. Recent CommentThis widget is very useful even more useful than recent post. Why? This widget displays the most recent comments function on our blog. So, we can know if there is incoming comments. Memangsih widget is not very useful if your blog only has a few posts. But, if the blog has hundreds of posts, how do we know the comments that go? So, I strongly recommend this widget. Find this widget wrote on search engines (search engines). If not, bloggers have also already nyediain this widget. For recent post as well.

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